Friday, September 25, 2009

Dogs and Cats Living Together...Mass Hysteria

How do you satirize satire? That was a question I was wrestling with during the most recent departure from this theater, and a leading cause in the length of the vacation. I must lead off by saying that, if you ever decide to start your own politically-minded, snarky blog, you can pick no better time to do so than during a presidential campaign. You will be thankful for the endless material, and the limitless surprises that lay the funny down at your feet each morning.

However, if we all now live in a world where the absolute craziest-sounding absurdity flows freely from the mouths of the dumbest among us, and all of this is taken on face value not only as truthful news but also as a reflection of the psyche of the nation, how in the hell is anyone supposed to write anything funnier than that?

As example, I give you this (the fun parts start at the :48 second mark.) There is no way I could have ever created anything as funny as her, then stuck her into the middle of an event even more ridiculous, that celebrated a cause that is even further off the rails. This is the hat-trick of comedy. Which punch line do you focus on? How do you come up with all of this without being completely baked? Who did her hair?
Hence, while this theater was ready to roll out the funny, I never expected that the objects of my ridicule would become direct competition. It is as if all the politicians and pundits decided, en masse:
Too bad funny boy. Check out the crazy shit we are pulling off now, and these people will still follow us anywhere! What are you gonna do now about your liberal, Jesus-killing lifestyle now, queer? Hey, who wants more Pabst?
Well, I taught the dog a new trick. Line em up, barkeep. Daddy is thirsty.