Your good Doctor has long believed that social network sites are no place to espouse political beliefs. Your friends don’t want to know that you voted for Alan Keyes and were not drunk at the time, and you don’t want to know that your long-lost buddy has a picture of Dick Cheney making out with the corpse of Dick Nixon tattooed on his ass. It is the same “wink/nod” approach you take in church when the Klan member in the pew in front of you sings a hymn about unity. (Side note: this was the case in my church as a kid. Seriously.)
So, when a friend of mine posted a poll on Facebook questioning President Obama’s decision to spend Veterans Day in Chicago instead of Arlington National Cemetery (because he is probably a Muslim fake-president) I felt the need to respond, in the sake of historical accuracy, and fairness.
Over the course of a brief back and forth, I opined that one can dislike the President for whatever reason they want, legitimate or not. However, if this was going to be the rock she built her campsite on, she should be sure she is right. (Another side note: Obama did not attend the ceremonies at Arlington Cemetery this year, just like Regan did not in four of his eight years, W in four of his eight, and the way GHWBush skipped Arlington all four years of his presidency, and he was a VETERAN of WWII.)
I pointed this out, which was followed by a different commenter over three different postings over five minutes that the president was a “SOB.” I then thanked that person for his well thought out, reasoned, adult response. What followed that is presented below.
Sometimes, the crazy is just given right to you.
Names have been omitted to preserve anonymity. Spelling, grammar, syntax, and mouth-foaming apoplexy are presented in their entirety, to preserve the insanity:
One question- since it seems your an Obama Fan. Did you serve your country for the Freedom to say whats on your Mind? My Brother and I DID!!!! So before you come on my wifes page preaching to a man that put his country before himself, with me at his side every day,think twice before insulting him. You can take your calm rational manner to Washington Dc and Join the Obama communist parade and wave your commie pinko fag boxer breifs from a flagpole for all I care. John and I fought for YOU to have that right, the same as for me to call you an asshole. Asshole because this isnt your place to come on here and insult any of her friends. You only really got MY attention because of who the friend is. Your only safely sitting behind your computer keyboard insulting him BECAUSE of him and I and people like us that served to protect your safety and freedoms. You go to your profile and insult all the people you want, dont do it here, especially to John. I'd venture to say you didnt serve your country or you'd see what freedoms the man you are defending is taking from you. So HERE IS WHAT GETS ME GOING- Its because of people like you that put that POS in office, that we are seeing our freedoms removed, Healthcare costs shoved down our hardworking throats, raising our national debt to levels that make the Chinese smile as they BUY AMERICA, and the government taking over our banking system and grabbing hold of anything they can while they have a socialist in disguise in office. He was going to bring home our troops, all of them, Remember that promise? Do you rememebr that he has actually increased the amount of Troops deployed? He lied to you to get your vote. How do you like your change now? Did you not care about the AIG execs that he pushed to get there company baled out of there financial troubles and then they went to a swank resort in California with our tax dollars to celebrate? BOA, Fanny Mae, any of it? How quick you forget all the false promises, followed by all the deceit and tax dollars he has wasted giving back to his Million Dollar contributors that got him elected. For Christs sake the man had a press conference to call a Cop that was doing his job STUPID, have any other Presidents gotten involved with a local Police department matter Mr Historically accurate???? With that said He could have showed up to the ceremony to remember our Fallen that have given there lives for us.Or are you saying that the Black Harvard Professor incident was more worth his time? My wife has been a firm Democrat since I knew her until YOUR boy took office. So put that in your Obama pipe and smoke it!"
Funny thing is, I still don’t know what gets him going…