Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Want to Believe

There are moments when the mission of this Theater is very easy to achieve. Do yourself a favor and take some time out of your day to educate yourself on the Niburian Council. I swear to God this is real.

They are among us, and they have a marketing department.

As a tease, this nugget comes from the Mission Statement of the NC:
  • To assist those who came to earth to be the teachers, healers and inventors who will usher in the 5th dimensional reality. Most of these individuals are starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers. In this site you will find a vast repository of higher dimensional knowledge needed to help you remember and complete your missions, recode your DNA and ascend, while at the same time helping others to do the same. In addition, we provide you with emotional and physical support.
Hey, America. Your crazy is showing.